
Am i the only feedee...

Hey, all that's good for your immune system.

Though I see where you're coming from. I would rather have quality food. Though quality and quantity are sometimes hard to keep together. So I still like buffets cause they're a cheap way to get a good stuffing in. But yea, I'd rather have a gourmet meal.
13 years

Am i the only feedee...

I hate to tell everyone, but buffets are not the only place where germy things happen. I was in a fast food restaurant, and the manager left the stall without washing his hands. I wrote to their home office in Columbus OH, but did not get a response back. This was years ago, but I am sure it still happens.
13 years

Am i the only feedee...

I never realy thought about this when it comes to buffets. Although here in australia, we use tongs to pick up the food, or there are staff to pile it onto our plates so the public generally doesnt tough the food before consuming it. Apaprt from all that, there is one place where I like the buffet. It's about a 40minute drive from my home though.
13 years

Am i the only feedee...

At most buffets here tongs or another tool is used for moving the food around. Food is rarely just grabbed off of the serving dishes in the US.

I've already sounded off on Buffets, so you know how I feel about them. But I must just add this, you get what you pay for. And at a buffet that's a lot of food, at a lower quality.

Which makes them very economical for the feedee on a budget. Which is precisely me right now. If I could afford gourmet stuffage, I sure as hell would go for it, but right now I'm confined by my very light pockets.
13 years